
Disclaimer for FitTart.com

The information contained in the blogs written on fittart.com is provided for informational and educational purposes only. We try to make sure our content is accurate but we do not guarantee any kind of accuracy or trustworthiness, we try to verify it from different sources repeatedly.

External Links Disclaimer

Our website may provide links to external sources. We are not responsible for the content, policies, and purpose of these websites. Before visiting any external website, you should know about their privacy policy and requirements.

Accuracy of Information

All the information given on our website is collected from different sources. And it is updated from time to time. Its authenticity and reliability is checked and information is published after discussion, however, there may be a possibility of some misconceptions or errors in it. We do not guarantee the complete accuracy of any information.

User Responsibility

The decision of using our website is entirely the responsibility of the user himself. fittart.com and its owner will not be responsible for any direct or indirect loss.

Policy Changes & Contact

The Disclaimer may be revised from time to time and Users are advised to check this page periodically to ensure they are aware of any changes.

If you have any questions about this disclaimer, please contact us at our email address.

📧 Support24@fittart.com